More fake protection dog training from Lee Robinson

This is nothing more than a tug game in the mind of the dog. Also notice that there isn't ever any off switch on any of his dogs! The offswitch is one of the most important aspects of protection dog training.

There is no truth in combat here. This is dead routine training.

While you can watch over 100 videos of dogs biting sacks and sleeves on Lee's YouTube channel, you will be hard pressed to find any videos that demonstrate the off switch. Here is a REAL protection dog that I trained.

2 thoughts on “More fake protection dog training from Lee Robinson”

  1. There are videos like this all over Youtube. People simply don’t understand that teaching a dog to tug and bite is not necessary or even good to do for a real personal or guard protection type dog. I have done all this stuff and when you go to meets or clubs where everyone is doing this 3/4 of people will straight up tell you their dog won’t bite anyone. Even LEO k9 dogs have been simply transitioned from a sleeve or suit to biting a human for real, but for the dog even though he is really biting a person it is still prey drive and just a game. There is a Youtube video showing multiple LEO K9 apprehending a subject and then quitting when the subject fights back for real. A dog trained in defense is a completely different type dog on a whole other level than a prey trained dog. When the guy in this video squats down the dog still just stays on the sleeve, if this was my dog this dude would not have a head! If you raise your hand to hit my dog he will try to take that arm off. I trained my guard dog in Kohler method mainly and he protected me when a guy acted aggressive toward me, my dog took the guy down and even though the guy was fighting him he would not stop! It’s sad because few people believe that this bite training is not the way to go.

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