Yes! The Cane Corso Is a BANDOG!

The American Cane Corso is a blend of Cane Corso type, Neapolitan mastiff, Rottweiler, and American Pitbull Terrier. Real talk. -Backyard Breeder. Just to clarify... some people are confused as to what I'm trying to say. YES, the Cane Corso is a BANDOG that was created back in the 1980s... it doesn't matter if you have an Italian or an American Corso, they are all bandogs. The Corso is not genetically a breed, but is rather a type of dog. The image is of a front cover of what is now a rare brochure from Alaric kennels. This was Mike's Neapolitan Mastiff kennel. If you have Alaric, Belmonte, or early Scandifio bloodlines in your pedigree, then Brutus is one of the dogs that is actually in your bloodline. He was one badass Neapolitan Mastiff. No need to get all bent out of shape because we have bandogs. Now we know and we can move forward. They are still cool dogs. This is Alaric's Brutus, more than likely The sire of Cocomo. For four years Brutus was selected as the standard for the Neapolitan Mastiff by dog world magazine. This is part of Luca's and Luna's bloodline, and part of the American Cane Corso heritage.

This is Alaric's Brutus, more than likely The sire of Cocomo. For four years Brutus was selected as the standard for the Neapolitan Mastiff by dog world magazine. This is part of Luca's and Luna's bloodline, and part of the American Cane Corso heritage.

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