If you cannot turn the dog off it's NOT a true protection dog. https://youtu.be/hhQ_TXDV5No?si=pbIBEu4gyW-aVxVq

If you cannot turn the dog off it's NOT a true protection dog. https://youtu.be/hhQ_TXDV5No?si=pbIBEu4gyW-aVxVq
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Amazing! I have bought the muzzle. Next up the spring pole to be constructed. Step by step getting there.
Spring Pole is awesome!
So right! Get the right kind of dog with a high natural defensive nature and quit worrying about the bite! Train right from a puppy with simple OB. It’s the most relaxing and rewarding type of training and you get a dog thats happy, relaxed, and a natural protector. But what do you see touted as protection dog training? Taking little puppies and starting off first thing trying to bring their prey drive up as high as possible then trying to bring it back under control. Get the control first and raise the puppy in a way that keeps his defensive nature intact. All defense all the time.
I have had no need to increase prey drive. I like mellow dogs! All that drive makes dogs that can’t sit still and knock shit over, including kids. We don’t really need much antagonizing with these Mastiff dogs. Seems like they come ready for protection. Just need to build confidence, and they are all good!
So right! These Mastiff dogs have really opened my eyes about what a true family/protection dog should be. I mean these type dogs have been bred for this for a thousand years! It’s in there! The real issue is being cool with your training so you don’t have a dog that is over the top protective and maintaining that off switch and good solid OB. The actual protection part is the easiest and requires the least amount of time, with some dogs less is definably better than more! More just makes them hotter!
Chuck, a suggestion for the page would be some kind of tick box with each part of the obedience plus protection and uploading the video of that skill for you to assess. As you were doing when some members uploaded to stop command, like myself. This would be a great way for the members to track their progress and for you to see how the members develop. Just a suggestion…