Our Dog’s Morning Routine

6:02 am... Picking up dog poop and refreshing their waters. Good morning! -Backyard breeder
6:26am... Filling in holes and picking rocks out of the flirt pole area. - Backyard breeder

Adding fresh soil to our workout area. -Backyard breeder

Adding fresh soil to our workout area. -Backyard breeder

7:11 a.m. out for 1 mile power-walk with the dogs. -Backyard breeder

7:11 a.m. out for 1 mile power-walk with the dogs. -Backyard breeder

After the power-walk the dogs are given about 15 minutes to play amongst themselves in the yard before moving on to group obedience session. During group obedience all dogs are made to stay in a sit position until called upon to do a certain task. We are currently focusing on a strong distinction between "front," and "heal."

While the dogs are playing amongst themselves, I like to get their food ready for later on. Today we have our standard base quality kibble, 1400 mg fish oil tablet, yogurt, a little taste of red salmon, and chicken necks. -Backyard breeder

After group obedience, it's time for a little isolation. Each dog is put up for 30 minutes. Gertie goes on her chain, Luca Brasi goes on his chain, and Luna goes into her 20 by 40 dog run. After about 30 to 45 minutes, I'll take each dog individually and work with them with one or more of the following. Flirt pole, spring Pole, game of tug.

Gertie goes on her chain

9:10 am... We started the day at 6:02am cleaning dog poop and changing waters. We went for a one mile power-walk, had a group obedience session, as well as a personal workout and game of tug. As each dog finishes the game, they get fed. At that point they are ready to sleep. Happy dogs!.

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