For the record

"Meanwhile, you got a Cane Corso at 8 months old because the dog's owner was not able to handle it and found it to be unstable. According to information on your website, you had that dog just a few days, and then rehomed it. Then 2 months later that Cane Corso that YOU rehomed... ignoring its past... it apparently bit the new owner, and yet you blamed the new owner for negligence. I am not sure how you can overlook your negligence in rehoming an unstable Cane Corso that went through your program."
Slander... this person cherry-picked information, and then used it to create the above narrative.

For the record: One morning I received a text message from a dogman in Detroit with a link to a LR video. The dogman from Detroit thought the video was funny because the dog in the video didn't have any interest in the helper who had gotten within range for the dog to bite. The helper didn't seem concerned about the dog, and the dog didn't seem concerned about the helper. The dog had its reward in the sleeve. And yet, the breeder of the dog was acting as if there were some life-or-death situation happening. At the time, I was doing a video series called "No Truth in Combat" where we took a closer look at several YouTube protection dogs.

Update: Spoke with Lee on the phone.

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