Aways Remember to bring the training to the dog. If…
Author: The Dogman
Muzzle Masters K9 Vehicle Self-Defense Training
This is the most AWESOME method for training your dog…
Transcending Training…
What we ultimately have going on here, transcends training…
REAL Auto Protection Dog Training
Here we have two differentcameraangles showing Appie with some real…
Dogman Underground Membership Livestream Dec 1 2023
I thought it might be a good idea to have…
Mastering the Muzzle – Public Self-Defense I
This is the meat and potatoes of what we need…
Harley impulse control
Nice job Harkey! Meal time is training time!
Hans fake protection dog work
Here is another example of fake protection dogs on youtube.…
Zora working the grinder
Here us Zora working on impulse control. Nice work!
Groot working the grinder!
Here is Groot working the grinder with his master, Barry…